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Coaching: The good, the bad, and the ugly

I want to talk to you about a disturbing article I read yesterday. It is about life coaching and how some individuals use it to increase their bank accounts without actually doing anything except scam innocent (hopeful) would-be coaches. I am attaching it here for you to read, but I need to add my two cents for what it is worth.

If you did not know, I am a life coach, specifically a career empowerment coach for working women. I went into coaching with nothing but the best intentions. I was once an assistant in the corporate world, and I know it can be hard to get the respect you deserve. It is slowly changing, but even women at the top of their game get attitude from the “boys club” that is typically upper management.

Finding clients is not easy; in fact, it is damned hard. Is it surprising that so many coaches try to force people into signing expensive package deals? I understand the premise that if they are committed to the process, they will agree to work with the coach for a pre-determined time. Having said that, I have always had issues with it, and for good reason. Everyone is different; some people may get the answers and results they need quickly. Others might need a lot of nurturing. My clients come to me for help in their careers, but there are usually underlying reasons why things are not going smoothly (family, friends, time management, etc.) I prefer an hourly rate and always allow my clients to decide how often they will meet with me. It is up to them if they want to make a monthly payment if we meet more than once a month or pay as we go. I even give payment plans for specific courses.

Many of my friends who are coaches have a similar approach. However, we are in the minority. Based on what I have seen, I would guess that most coaches out there are coaching would-be coaches. They offer the answers you need to make $10,000 a month. I admit that I fell for this when I first started coaching and signed up with a coaching group. I didn’t just fork over my money; I was skeptical, so they gave me a trial. I quickly recognized that their methods were less than ethical. After my trial ended, I let them know that our viewpoints on coaching were miles apart.

I have gone to a few webinars and workshops where they are pushing the same thing. Work with us, and we will make you rich. You will have lots of clients if you follow our technique. I think the only ones who were getting rich were the coaches who preyed on hungry coaches.

A lot of us ladies want to make our lives better. We want to improve ourselves. We want to change careers and do good things in the world. Coaching seems like the perfect solution. I still have my day job as an educator, so I am not desperate for money.

I told you why I work with women in the corporate world but not why I became a coach. I went back to school several years ago for applied psychology. My students have many needs beyond academics, and I felt out of my depths. I figured understanding more about the mind and how we learn couldn’t hurt. I loved it so much that I thought about becoming a therapist. My cousin, who is a therapist, told me how long it would take and that I should make sure it was what I wanted. She is the one who suggested life coaching. That might be why I view the profession differently than many others do. To me, it is part of the mental health community. We don’t diagnose or treat, but we help people uncover what stands in the way of getting what they want, help them set goals, and offer unconditional listening. One famous coach described us as “professional best friends who do not judge and are always supportive.” That is pretty accurate if you are a coach for the right reasons.

Thank you for reading this blog. I wanted to get some of this off my chest. If you are interested in getting a coach, do your homework. Find one that has a certification from a reputable school. Too many have no background (anyone can call themselves a coach; it is not regulated), and you will throw good money after bad.

Also, don’t let them manipulate you. If you feel that after meeting with the coach for a meet-and-greet, you are uncomfortable with them, say so. If they are too expensive but you really like them, ask if you can make split payments or make some other arrangement.

A good coach can be invaluable; please do not let the article, if you read it, prevent you from coaching if you want and need it. There are a lot of us out here to help.

If you are interested in working with me or want to pick my brain about something via text, here is how to get in touch:


Until next time, be well, and always be resolved.

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