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Are You Ready to Get Motivated?

Hello faithful readers. It's been a while since I have written a blog post, but not because I have been idle. I have been working on several projects, including a book and a signature program.

In the process, I have been learning invaluable lessons, which is great because I am using them to find ways to help you. Even though I am super busy (and loving every minute), I have kept my eyes and ears open. One theme that has popped up is lack of motivation and stagnation. Many people still have not returned to normal after the initial COVID outbreak. Unfortunately, it is still with us, and we are learning how to live with it. I believe that the pandemic and political atmosphere have left many shell-shocked and suffering from low-level PTSD. Worse, some of those same people lost their jobs and still have not gotten on their feet. They are confused and overwhelmed, which has increased their stress levels. They are confused and overwhelmed, which has increased their stress levels. They have indulged in bad habits and have become sedentary and overweight. They don't feel they have a clear path forward and are mourning what was.

I can't and won't claim I can fix all those problems, but I am trying to find ways to at least help. I thought starting with helping people get motivated and back on track was an excellent way to start. The first thing is to get people up and moving around, which is why I created the "Get-Off-The-Couch Motivational Challenge." It is a four-week, self-paced, fun fitness challenge. If you decide to take on this challenge, you will uncover why you have become sedentary, what is holding you back from physical activity, and why exercise is so beneficial. And that is before you even start working out! If you stick with it until the end, I will send you a certificate of completion. Why is that important? It is something to remind yourself that you can take on challenges and reach goals. It is a bonus because I believe if you follow the program, you will be motivated to start moving more, try new things, and make positive changes in your life. What could be better than that? Did I mention that it is 100% free? There are no links to buy anything at the end; this is my way of helping move people in the right direction obligation-free.

It is easy to sign up. Simply click here to join. Will I see your name on my list of participants?

Further down the road I will be offering a workshop on stress management so stay tuned for updates.

I wish you all the best of everything. Until the next blog post, remember to stay resolved.



Resolved Self Life Coaching

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